In Sweden everyone, at least the ones with Swedish names, have a name day. January 24th was Erika's. We celebrated by having some extremely wonderful rolls (as in, watch my ass expand before your eyes), and she got some small gifts. I don't think most parents go to the same extent here, but considering the kids don't get their own celebration for birthdays, it is a nice chance to single them out for attention. Karl's is coming up in a couple of days and Alex has her's in February. Then our cash flow steadies until August when they turn seven.
Sometimes I get a bit sentimental about the kids current innocence. Obviously at some point they are going to glimpse beyond the cosy little world they're in and realize that not everyone is nice, and some folks are just plain evil. While I recognize the inevitability of this I can't help wishing they could have the bliss they experience now, forever.
They will likely compensate for this by becoming teenagers and raising my blood pressure to entirely record levels. But presently, there are moments when you wish time could stop and the feeling they've both got and given you could last for an eternity. Whether it is playing "Go Fish" with them and seeing how excited they are when they get a "book", or just watching them slide around the yard on their sleds. When does that world fade? Why?
Anyhow, time to wrap up. Hope all of you are smiling wherever you are.