Friday, January 06, 2006

Happy Anniversary?

If you read the prior post, you know we had a great ski trip. Yesterday, the day of our return journey, was our 12th wedding anniversary. We knew that we'd be limited in our celebrating as we had a seven hour car journey to complete. But life is full of surprises. In this case we were given a special treat by our canine companion Patches.

About two hours into our journey Karl not so discreetly inquired if somebody had farted. It was confirmed through a survey of the car's passengers that noone had, in fact, "cut the cheese". However, a more detailed analysis determined that Patches, not one to settle for a mere gaseous emission, had elected to defecate in the aft compartment of the car. Thus the source of the odor had been identified.

Upon opening the rear hatch of the car, we were treated not to some conventional, orderly fecal arrangement, but to Patches' own artistic "Ode to Marriage" surrealistic smear. He was even thoughtful enough to include my ski jacket as part of his "canvas". Leaving me to ponder the depth of his message in frigid splendor.

In spite of a valiant cleaning effort, we were left to luxuriate in the odiferous confines of the car for another five hours. This added a dimension to long distance car travel that I hadn't really contemplated previously. If you're one of those intrepid souls who think seven hours traveling in a car jammed with luggage, three six-year old children and a dog over ice covered roads isn't quite challenging enough: then I highly recommend it.

The final solution, try to keep laughing (which somehow dampens your sense of smell), keep the windows slightly open (in spite of the 7 degree temp outside), and document the glorious occasion with a photo of the cleaning process.

In the photo you will notice a small part of Patches contribution to our marital bliss in the lower right hand corner. Also note the damningly guilty look on Patches face as well as the cheerful amusement of the kids.